How do I get Manual NC commands from Fusion into Buildbotics?

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How do I get Manual NC commands from Fusion into Buildbotics?

Post by johannes » Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:59 pm

I am trying to use the Manual NC command option in Fusion360, but nothing shows up in the NC code when I post.

This is my setup, with a manual command.
(The manual command is a prompt to remind me to fixture into the holes before cutting the outer contour.)


However, nothing shows up in the output NC code.

I assume something needs to be added to the Buildbotics.cps file, but what? and where?

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Re: How do I get Manual NC commands from Fusion into Buildbotics?

Post by Doug » Fri Dec 17, 2021 3:49 pm

Is there a "Comment" option in the pull-down menu. If so, what happens if you put the following text into the Message box?

MSG, fixture into holes

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Re: How do I get Manual NC commands from Fusion into Buildbotics?

Post by johannes » Mon Dec 20, 2021 3:14 pm

I figured this out with some help from the Autodesk forums. ... p/10828202

I needed to add some code to the builtbotics.cps file, in order to make the manual NC commands appear in the post.

Code: Select all

 // Process Manual NC Command Display Message

function onManualNC(command, value) {
  switch (command) {
  case COMMAND_DISPLAY_MESSAGE: // prepend ‘MSG,’ to operator messages
  writeBlock("M0 " + "(MSG, " + value + ")");
    expandManualNC(command, value);  // normal processing of Manual NC command
The challenge was not just to get a message to display - (MSG, Message) works for that purpose - but I needed an M0 in there as well in order to make the machine pause and wait. Thus I couldn't use the Comment function.

Works great now.

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Re: How do I get Manual NC commands from Fusion into Buildbotics?

Post by Doug » Thu Dec 23, 2021 9:36 pm

Great! Thanks for reporting this.

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