Plasma G-codes (post processor) for floating Z axis

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Plasma G-codes (post processor) for floating Z axis

Post by mauroluciobh » Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:07 am

I'm adapting my Onefinity Journeyman to plasma cnc cutter as I'm using another machine for woodworking. I'l do the dry contact via DB25 pin 15 and turn on and off the plasma torch via M3 Sxxx and M5. I'm aware the Buildbotics controller doesn't accept THC control, but I want at least to adapt a floating Z axis with a limit switch connected to Z min-soft-limit on DB25 to probe Z before every cut. My challenge now is find out a dedicated G-code sequence to probe Z to zero before every cut, take Z to piercing height and a to an offset, action the plasma torch via M3, and start the cut at the correct cut height, turning it off at the end of the sequence via M5 and take it to the next cut point, starting over all this sequence again. I wonder if the Buildbotics post processor on Fusion 360 and Vetric already contain this toothpath for plasma included or if someone can help me and guide me to a dedicated post processor for plasma cutter on these or other possible applications that does this job specific for plasma better.

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