Buildbotics restarts when entering wifi credentials

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Buildbotics restarts when entering wifi credentials

Post by 82amp » Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:27 am

Looking at my BB again after a couple of years, trying to connect it to wifi. When I enter SSID and password, and click save, it briefly crashes to console before restarting. After reboot, it is not connected to any wifi.

This behaviour also occurs when trying to pit the BB into "access point" mode.

Is this expected? Is it a fault in my BB? Without being able to connect to wifi, I haven't yet had the chance to connect to hard-wired ethernet to check anything behind the scenes (ssh) and identify the cause.

I am on the older version (SKU-1001), which I got in July 2021

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Buildbotics restarts when entering wifi credentials

Post by Doug » Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:34 pm

The controller does reboot to make the WiFi connection. The screen should should disconnect during the process. If you mean that it shows the linux prompt during the process, this is definitely not working correctly.

Since the WiFi antenna is built onto the Raspberry Pi and the RPi is inside the metal cabinet, the signal is significantly reduced. You need to be very close to your WiFi source to make the connection. Usually within 20 feet.

What version of software are you running?

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