Machine alarm…command not processed
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Machine alarm…command not processed
I am having problems with an intermittent alarm that pops up. Command not processed is the alarm any advice or insight on this alarm would be helpful. I have tried to add pictures but this format says the file is to big hopefully I have described it well enough for some help in this matter
Re: Machine alarm…command not processed
Can you send the gcode program that you are running when the error occurs? Also, what version of software is your controller running?
Re: Machine alarm…command not processed
The version is V0.4.14 and I will have to try to send g code tomorrow when I get home from work. Thanks
Re: Machine alarm…command not processed
Ok so I have not had any luck getting the g-code to be able to send for some analysis but have noticed a new development.... I was able to run a few other files today and after the machine had ran for a few minutes before it alarmed with the same message , Command not processed, so it seems not to be a file problem as it has done it on a few different files now. also I ran it manually with the handheld controller and ended up getting the same, command not processed. i will continue to try to get another usb cable, as i belive mine is bad, to interface with the controller and get information from the controller itself and send. i hope the additional information helps some. i am trying to add some pictures but not having any luck with sending any, is there an email or something that i can send these to and try to get some better information to you??
Re: Machine alarm…command not processed
I recommend upgrading your controller to V1.0.3. If you need help with this, feel free to call me at (925)577-9940.
Re: Machine alarm…command not processed
Thanks for the insight, I will try this as soon as I get a chance and let you know how it goes. Thanks again!!