However, sometimes the probing skips the second approach (?) and just retract z to the highest position.
There is no error code displayed and the script seems to continue as if nothing happened (G92 and G53).
This is the probing snippet we use in our program-start and tool-change scripts:
Code: Select all
G91 (put the machine in "incremental distance mode")
F300 (search speed)
G38.2 Z-87 (probe down until the plate is touched or until Z has moved by -87mm)
G0 Z1.5 (retract 1.5mm up)
F100 (second approach with lower search speed)
G38.2 Z-2
G92 Z20.4 (sets Z0 = surface table)
We are basically unable to use toolchanges during programs now, since every one of them could cause the issue, requiring us to stop the current program to repeat the probing.
Does anyone have an idea what might cause this sudden abort/skip of the second probing approach?
What we tried so far is slowing down the Z motor, and adjusting the retract height between first and second approach. So far, this was not successful and we are still unable to consistently reproduce the issue.
I managed to take a video of a faulty probing, let me know if you want to see it