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Horizontal Lock and Vertical Lock

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 5:04 am
by carlopetrolo

is it possibile to customise the functionality of the gamepad.

I need the control the Horizontal Lock and Vertical Lock, I need to been able to keep the bottom hold then i press it until i press again.

i have the move the axes on the specific axes and i need to be sure that there are no impact on the other axes and I don't want keep the lock bottom hold for all the time.

is it possibile to customise this feature changing the code some how?


Re: Horizontal Lock and Vertical Lock

Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2021 7:55 am
by Doug
The Buildbotics Controller does not provide the ability to reconfigure the buttons on the game pad.

Would the jogging feature on the "Jogging" tab on the "Control" page meet your needs?