Thoughts after a few months tinkering with BB and observing other controllers

Post any suggestions that you have for new features and enhancements for the Buildbotics Controller here.
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Re: Thoughts after a few months tinkering with BB and observing other controllers

Post by Doug » Thu Mar 12, 2020 9:22 pm

We see implementing programmable buttons as a separate task from enhancing the capabilities of the game pad. We have a github issue open for enhancing the game pad. You can track it at ... /issues/83 .

It is considered important, but we do not have this task scheduled.

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Re: Thoughts after a few months tinkering with BB and observing other controllers

Post by Mick » Fri Mar 13, 2020 4:39 am


Could you explain how to edit the axis movement please, I cant find it in any doc's.


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Re: Thoughts after a few months tinkering with BB and observing other controllers

Post by Doug » Fri Mar 13, 2020 2:44 pm

I'm not sure I know what you are asking, but it sounds like you are asking how to configure the motors. That is done on the motor configuration pages. You can find an explanation of the motor configuration pages in the manual. Here is a link to the section:

If you meant something else, please explain a bit further.

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Re: Thoughts after a few months tinkering with BB and observing other controllers

Post by Crazyshakespeare » Fri Aug 14, 2020 9:01 am

Just wanted to piggyback on wabbastang's original post! As a future customer, the features he listed are key purchasing points to me any many others looking to select a new controller...especially the one touch probing of xyz and pause and resume. I'm not sure how many would agree with me but I would much rather have a cleaner UI with these features being a permanent button on the main page rather than a button that would need to be programed. The more plug and play the setup and software the better! Most of the mentioned features wabbastang states are now basic features in most controllers. Love all the work going into these controllers and cant wait to see what comes down the pipe. Keep up the great work!

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