ablity to save multiple machine profiles

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ablity to save multiple machine profiles

Post by Mark » Sat May 16, 2020 2:17 pm

New Bb controller owner here. I was Thinking. What at great and unique idea it would be to have the controller be able to have multiple machine profiles saved. For example if i need to run my mill one day and a laser table the next. i understand there is no way have the machines share wiring, but im sure the end user can wire dupont connectors with no problem. Thank You for your awesome product.

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Re: ablity to save multiple machine profiles

Post by Doug » Sat May 16, 2020 6:18 pm

Welcome Mark,

Glad you like the product. Actually, this capability already exists. After you have created a configuration, just go to the "General" page and click "Backup". This will prompt you to save the configuration in a file. Then, when you want to get this configuration back, go to the "General" page again and click "Restore". You can save as many different profiles as you want. Just give them different and meaningful filenames, so you can remember what you called them.

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