Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post any suggestions that you have for new features and enhancements for the Buildbotics Controller here.
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Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by SuperUserG » Tue May 25, 2021 1:04 pm

A must-have feature for hobby machines is "backlash compensation". I was sold on the Buildbotics controller, its a really awesome product, but I'm really starting to wonder if I should stick with mach3 for the backlash compensation especially since there are no future plans to add this in the software.

If there were any future plans to add this, I would pull the trigger and buy a Buildbotics system and I'm sure you would gain more interest and defiantly increase sales.

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by Doug » Wed May 26, 2021 11:16 am

We hope to add that capability in the future, but we do not have the work scheduled.

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by SuperUserG » Thu May 27, 2021 12:17 pm

Thank you for the quick reply, let's get the feature scheduled. Who do I need to yell at to get it done LOL?

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by Skyler » Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:06 pm

I couldn't agree more! I think adding features like this would really help the BB control be more widely adopted.

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by Earsmith » Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:16 am

I have an older TAIG 4 axis mill with lead screws and lack of this feature stopped me from ordering the Buildbotics controller. Count me in when it becomes available.

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by cerickard2 » Mon Apr 18, 2022 8:29 am

I was about to buy Buildbotics for my Sherline because I love the all-in-one nature of it, but backlash compensation appears to be a must-have for leadscrew machines. Oh well...

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by SuperUserG » Fri Oct 07, 2022 11:51 pm

Are there any updates on backlash compensation, any testing going on, still on the ToDo list?

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by phillip » Sat Dec 10, 2022 11:50 am

Also very interested in this feature. I have a Sherline mill and lathe, and picked up the Buildbotics controller without realizing backlash compensation wasn't implemented. So pretty disappointing that I haven't been able to take it for a spin yet.

Is there a more official place (on github, perhaps) to upvote or otherwise show support for features such as this? I'd be happy to try and help implement and/or test as well, as time allows, if somebody can help point me in the right direction.

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by SuperUserG » Sat Feb 04, 2023 11:18 pm

Still nothing in the pipeline for Backlash compensation?

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Re: Backlash compensation is a must have!

Post by BBuser » Fri Jun 02, 2023 10:41 am

I haven't seen any replies on backlash from a developer in a couple years. Is there still anyone supporting the firmware in general? If so, I'm also willing to help get this solved but it's not time efficient for me to learn the whole development process. It seems like if the current code already respects acceleration and deceleration, then you basically just need to compute a new endpoint at any location where one or more of the motors reaches a point of inflection. (direction change) then you bring the motors to a stop at that point just as you would if that were the actual end of a line or arc. Next you apply the backlash to any motors that change direction at that point. (you could use the regular parameters for that motion or have a different set given that the load for backlash movement would be considerably less) Last, you just restart normal movement from that point as you would if that were the normal startpoint of a line or arc.

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